Weather Forecast and Radar for Coffs Harbour, New South Wales

Current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Coffs Harbour, New South Wales.
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Temperature Forecast for Coffs Harbour, New South Wales

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Temperature Forecast for Coffs Harbour, New South Wales

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Weather Radar for Coffs Harbour, New South Wales

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Weather in Coffs Harbour, NSW

Coffs Harbour is located in the Australian province of New South Wales and has a warm temperate climate. The area experiences mild winters and hot summers.

In winter (June-August), temperatures range from 8-22°C with an average rainfall of around 140mm. In the coldest months of June and July, temperatures can dip as low as 4°C. The area is generally very dry and sunny during these months and the occasional rainfall is usually welcomed by locals.

In spring (September-November), temperatures range from 10-25°C with an average rainfall of around 130mm. This is typically the wettest season of the year, but temperatures remain mild and the area is still quite dry.

In summer (December-February), temperatures range from 14-30°C with an average rainfall of around 110mm. This is typically the driest season of the year, with temperatures reaching the mid-30s on some days.

In autumn (March-May), temperatures range from 10-25°C with an average rainfall of around 140mm. This is usually the most pleasant season of the year in Coffs Harbour, with mild temperatures, lower humidity and plenty of sunshine.

Overall, Coffs Harbour has a mild climate year-round with temperatures rarely dipping below 0°C or rising above 35°C. The area experiences the most rainfall in spring and autumn, but the summers are still dry and sunny.

Fast Facts About Coffs Harbour, NSW

As of 2020, the city population is 71822.

Major Cities Nearby Coffs Harbour, NSW

This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Coffs Harbour, New South Wales.

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