Weather Forecast and Radar for Gordonvale, Queensland

Current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Gordonvale, Queensland.
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Temperature Forecast for Gordonvale, Queensland

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Weather Radar for Gordonvale, Queensland

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Weather in Gordonvale, QLD

Gordonvale, Australia is an idyllic town located in the tropical province of Queensland. The weather in Gordonvale is sunny and warm year-round, with temperatures rarely falling below 20°C (68°F).

In summer, the average daily temperature ranges between 24-29°C (75-84°F). This is perfect weather for spending time outdoors, swimming in the nearby beaches, or fishing in the creeks.

The winter months are slightly cooler, with temperatures ranging between 18-25°C (64-77°F). While there are occasional showers during the cooler months, most days are still sunny and pleasant.

The wet season in Gordonvale runs from November through April. During this time, the town can expect some heavy rains and thunderstorms. However, most of the rain falls at night, and the days are usually sunny and warm.

Overall, Gordonvale is blessed with year-round pleasant weather, making it an ideal holiday destination for sun-seekers.

Fast Facts About Gordonvale, QLD

As of 2020, the city population is 6671.

Major Cities Nearby Gordonvale, QLD

This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Gordonvale, Queensland.