Weather Forecast and Radar for Healesville, Victoria

Current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Healesville, Victoria.
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Weather in Healesville, VIC

Healesville is a small town located in the province of Victoria, Australia. It is situated in the Yarra Valley, surrounded by beautiful forested hills and the Great Dividing Range.

The weather in Healesville is generally mild and sunny throughout the year. Summers are warm and dry, with temperatures ranging from 16°C (61°F) to 27°C (81°F). Winters are cool and wet, with temperatures ranging from 6°C (43°F) to 13°C (55°F). Spring and autumn are typically mild and wet, with temperatures ranging from 10°C (50°F) to 18°C (64°F).

Healesville receives an average of 700mm (27.6in) of rainfall each year, most of which occurs during the winter months. Snowfall is rare, but the nearby ski resorts of Mount Buller and Mount Stirling can provide some winter fun.

The town is known for its warm and sunny days during the summer months, making it a great place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. Healesville is also known for its vibrant arts and culture scene, with a number of galleries, festivals and other events taking place throughout the year.

Fast Facts About Healesville, VIC

As of 2020, the city population is 7461.

Major Cities Nearby Healesville, VIC

This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Healesville, Victoria.

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