Weather Forecast and Radar for Kuranda, Queensland

Current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Kuranda, Queensland.
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Temperature Forecast for Kuranda, Queensland

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Temperature Forecast for Kuranda, Queensland

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Weather Radar for Kuranda, Queensland

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Weather in Kuranda, QLD

Kuranda, located in far north Queensland, enjoys a humid, subtropical climate with warm, wet summers and mild, dry winters.

In summer, temperatures in Kuranda can reach into the high 30s Celsius (90s Fahrenheit) with very high humidity levels, making it the perfect time for swimming in the nearby creeks and swimming holes. Monthly rainfall averages between 200-300mm (8-12 inches) during the warmer months with the occasional storm bringing more intense rain and thunder.

In winter, temperatures can drop to around 15-25 C (60-77 F) and rainfall is much less, averaging around 100mm (4 inches) per month. On some days, the temperature can drop below 10 C (50 F) at night, making it necessary to bring a light jacket or sweater.

Kuranda is known for its spectacular rainforests and mountainous terrain, which can result in cooler temperatures year-round. This makes the town a great spot for hiking, camping and exploring the outdoors.

Overall, Kuranda has a pleasant climate throughout the year, with warm summers and mild, dry winters. There are plenty of activities to enjoy, regardless of the time of year.

Fast Facts About Kuranda, QLD

As of 2020, the city population is 3008.

Major Cities Nearby Kuranda, QLD

This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Kuranda, Queensland.