Weather Forecast and Radar for Kwinana, Western Australia

Current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Kwinana, Western Australia.
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Temperature Forecast for Kwinana, Western Australia

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Temperature Forecast for Kwinana, Western Australia

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Weather Radar for Kwinana, Western Australia

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Weather in Kwinana, WA

Kwinana is located in the province of Western Australia, and the climate here is classified as Mediterranean. Summers in Kwinana tend to be hot and dry, with average temperatures in the mid-twenties and an average daily maximum of 33°C. The temperatures can get even higher during heat waves. Winters are mild, with temperatures ranging between 12°C and 19°C. Rainfall is low, with an annual average of just 600mm.

Spring tends to start in September, with temperatures quickly rising towards the end of the month. By October, temperatures are generally around the mid-twenties. During this time, the days become longer and the evenings become warmer.

The summer months in Kwinana are December, January, and February. Temperatures during this time are usually in the high twenties to low thirties, with some days reaching temperatures of 40°C. This is also the time of year when the most rain falls, with an average of around 80mm.

Autumn usually starts in March and gradually cools down, with temperatures dropping to the mid-twenties by April. By May, temperatures have dropped to the low twenties, and further down to the mid-teens by June.

Kwinana is generally a dry area, with low rainfall year-round. This makes it a great destination for those who want to escape the wetter climates of other parts of Australia.

Fast Facts About Kwinana, WA

As of 2020, the city population is 20086.

Major Cities Nearby Kwinana, WA

This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Kwinana, Western Australia.