Weather Forecast and Radar for New Norfolk, Tasmania

Current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for New Norfolk, Tasmania.
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Temperature Forecast for New Norfolk, Tasmania

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Temperature Forecast for New Norfolk, Tasmania

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Weather Radar for New Norfolk, Tasmania

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Weather in New Norfolk, TAS

New Norfolk, located in the Derwent Valley in Tasmania's south, experiences a temperate climate year round. Summers in New Norfolk are generally warm and sunny with temperatures rarely exceeding 30°C. Winters are cold and wet, with temperatures rarely dropping below freezing. Rainfall is fairly consistent throughout the year, with an average of 890mm annually.

Spring weather in New Norfolk is generally mild and comfortable, with temperatures averaging between 17-21°C. The days are longer, but night-time temperatures can still drop close to freezing.

Summer temperatures in New Norfolk average between 19-24°C, with occasional heat waves pushing the mercury above 30°C. There is also an increased risk of bushfires during the summer months due to the dry conditions.

Autumn temperatures in New Norfolk can be quite variable, with an average of 13-20°C. Rainfall increases significantly during this time, and the days become shorter and cooler.

Winter weather in New Norfolk is typically cold and wet, with temperatures rarely rising above 12°C. Snow is not common, though frost is common during the coldest days. Rainfall is higher during the winter months, with an average of 100mm per month.

Fast Facts About New Norfolk, TAS

As of 2020, the city population is 5432.

Major Cities Nearby New Norfolk, TAS

This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for New Norfolk, Tasmania.