Weather Forecast and Radar for Tamworth, New South Wales

Current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Tamworth, New South Wales.
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Temperature Forecast for Tamworth, New South Wales

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Temperature Forecast for Tamworth, New South Wales

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Weather Radar for Tamworth, New South Wales

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Weather in Tamworth, NSW

Tamworth, located in the province of New South Wales, has a temperate climate that is characterized by hot summers and mild winters. Summers are usually hot and dry, with temperatures often reaching into the mid-30s Celsius. This can sometimes be accompanied by strong winds. Winters tend to be mild and wet, with temperatures rarely dipping below freezing. Rainfall is fairly consistent throughout the year, with the wettest months being June, July, and August.

The city experiences a wide range of weather patterns throughout the year, with the warmest months being November through to March, and the coolest months being June through to August. While there is usually plenty of sunshine in the summer months, thunderstorms can also occasionally occur. Snow is rare in Tamworth, though some may fall in the nearby hills.

Overall, Tamworth has a pleasant climate year-round, making it a great destination for any time of the year.

Fast Facts About Tamworth, NSW

As of 2020, the city population is 42872.

Major Cities Nearby Tamworth, NSW

This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Tamworth, New South Wales.