... including targeted forecasts at the time of your arrival to each point!
The weather in Ashton, Canterbury, New Zealand is fairly mild year-round with temperatures rarely dropping below 0°C. In winter, temperatures can range from 0°C to 16°C and the days are shorter with less sunshine. Summer in Ashton is usually sunny and warm, with temperatures ranging from 10°C to 25°C and more hours of daylight.
Rainfall is fairly consistent throughout the year, with an average of 85mm per month. The wettest month is typically July, with an average of 98mm of rainfall. The driest month is usually February, with an average of only 51mm of rainfall.
Snow is rare in Ashton, Canterbury, with the occasional light dusting in winter. The prevailing winds tend to be from the northwest and southwest, with occasional storms coming in from the north and east.
Overall, Ashton, Canterbury, New Zealand has a pleasant climate year-round with mild temperatures and plenty of sunshine.
As of 2020, the city population is 17700.
This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Ashton, Canterbury.