Weather Forecast and Radar for Artesia, California

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Temperature Forecast for Artesia, California

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Temperature Forecast for Artesia, California

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Weather in Artesia, CA

Artesia, California is a city located in the southwestern region of the United States. It is known for its warm Mediterranean climate, which means that it experiences mild temperatures year-round.

In the winter months, temperatures in Artesia typically range from highs of around 68 degrees Fahrenheit to lows of around 44 degrees Fahrenheit. Rainfall is relatively rare during this time, and when it does rain, it is usually light and short-lived.

In the spring, temperatures in Artesia begin to rise. The average high temperature during this time is around 72 degrees Fahrenheit, with lows of around 48 degrees Fahrenheit. Rainfall is still relatively rare, but there is an increase in the amount of sunshine.

The summer months in Artesia are typically hot and sunny, with average highs of around 88 degrees Fahrenheit and lows of around 62 degrees Fahrenheit. Rainfall is still rare, but the occasional thunderstorm can occur.

In the fall, temperatures in Artesia begin to cool off. The average high temperature during this time is around 78 degrees Fahrenheit, with lows of around 54 degrees Fahrenheit. Rainfall is still relatively rare, but thunderstorms can still occur.

Overall, Artesia experiences mild temperatures year-round, with very little rain. It is a great place to visit at any time of the year!

Fast Facts About Artesia, CA

As of 2020, the city population is 16456.

Major Cities Nearby Artesia, CA

This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Artesia, California.