Weather Forecast and Radar for Auburn, Alabama

Current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Auburn, Alabama.
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Temperature Forecast for Auburn, Alabama

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Weather Radar for Auburn, Alabama

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Routes Running Nearby to Auburn, Alabama

  • The I-85 runs north-south through Auburn, AL, between Tuskegee, AL, and West Point, GA.

  • US-280 runs north-south to Columbus, GA, in the east.

Weather in Auburn, AL

In Auburn, the summers are hot and muggy; the winters are short, cold, and wet; and it is partly cloudy year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 38°F to 91°F and is rarely below 25°F or above 97°F.

The city receives a significant amount of rainfall—on average, 52.6 inches (1,340 mm) per year—though there is a distinct dry season in the late summer and early fall.

Severe storm activity – thunderstorms producing damaging winds and/or large hail – is common from the late winter through early summer.

There is the risk of tornadoes. Owing to its proximity to the Gulf, Auburn is also subject to fringe effects from tropical storms and hurricanes in the summer and fall. Hurricanes Opal in 1995 and Ivan in 2004 are among two of the most notable tropical systems to affect the Auburn area in recent memory, bringing torrential rains and high winds.

Fast Facts About Auburn, AL

The city was incorporated in 1839.

As of 2020, the population is 76,143 within the city and 158,991 in the metro area.

Major Cities Nearby Auburn, AL

  • Montgomery, Alabama (roughly 54 miles to the southwest)
  • Birmingham, Alabama (roughly 94 miles to the northwest)

This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Auburn, Alabama.