Weather Forecast and Radar for Augusta, Georgia

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Routes Running Nearby to Augusta, Georgia

  • The I-20 runs east-west through Augusta, GA, between Atlanta, GA, and Columbia, SC.

Weather in Augusta, GA

Augusta has a humid subtropical climate, with short, mild winters, very hot, humid summers, and a wide diurnal temperature variation throughout much of the year, despite its low elevation and humidity.

The monthly daily average temperature ranges from 45.4 °F (7.4 °C) in January to 81.6 °F (27.6 °C) in July; there are 53 nights with the low reaching the freezing mark, 82 days reaching or exceeding 90 °F (32 °C), and 5.5 days reaching 100 °F (38 °C) annually.

The most extreme temperatures recorded in Augusta, GA range from a low of −1 °F (−18 °C) on January 21, 1985 up to a high of 108 °F (42 °C) on August 10, 2007.

Augusta, Georgia is located in the humid subtropical climate zone, which means it has hot and humid summers and mild, wet winters. Rainfall is plentiful in Augusta, averaging around 48 inches per year. The wettest months are usually May, June, and July. Augusta also has an average of 12 days of measurable precipitation per month. Thunderstorms and showers are common in the summer months, and Augusta can experience some severe weather during these months.

Augusta is known for having hot and humid summers. Humidity levels in Augusta can be quite high, reaching over 90% during the summer months. Augusta does experience occasional severe weather, such as tornadoes, hail, and occasional floods.

Snowfall is not as common as in Atlanta. This is largely due to Augusta's elevation, with downtown Augusta being about 900 ft lower than downtown Atlanta. The heaviest recorded snowfall was in February 1973 with 14.0″ snowfall. Freezing rain is also a threat in wintertime.

Augusta, GA is in a very low risk hurricane zone. 41 hurricanes have been recorded in the Augusta, GA since 1930. The largest hurricane was Dora in 1964. The most recent Augusta, GA hurricane was Michael in 2018.

Hurricane Matthew struck in 2016. The storm caused extensive wind and flood damage to the city, particularly in the downtown and Summerville areas, resulting in numerous downed trees and power outages. The city also sustained damage to several of its historic buildings, including the Augusta Canal and the Richmond County Courthouse.

In the past, Augusta has also been affected by Hurricanes Floyd (1999), Opal (1995), Hugo (1989), and Gloria (1985). These storms generally caused moderate to severe damage to the city, with flooding and wind damage to buildings and trees.

Augusta is no stranger to hurricanes and must be prepared for such events in the future. In order to protect the city, the city government has implemented a number of preparedness measures, such as stormwater management plans, floodplain mapping, and the creation of hurricane evacuation routes. Additionally, the city has implemented a number of mitigation measures, such as the installation of stormwater pumps and the retrofitting of existing buildings.

Augusta has a pleasant climate with hot and humid summers and mild winters. While the city does experience occasional severe weather, it is generally a safe and comfortable place to live.

Fast Facts About Augusta, GA

The city was incorporated in 1736.

As of 2020, the population is 202,081 within the city and 611,000 in the metro area.

The city is well known for hosting The Masters golf tournament each spring.

Major Cities Nearby Augusta, GA

  • Atlanta, Georgia (roughly 140 miles to the west)

This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Augusta, Georgia.