... including targeted forecasts at the time of your arrival to each point!
Avondale, Missouri experiences a moderate climate year-round. During the summer months (June, July and August) temperatures average between 19°C and 29°C. The warmest month is July when the temperature can reach up to 32°C. The coldest month is January with an average temperature of -3°C. Spring (March, April and May) experiences temperatures between 6°C and 17°C while during the fall (September, October and November) temperatures range from 8°C to 20°C.
Precipitation in Avondale is generally spread evenly throughout the year with an average of 7.5cm per month. The wettest month is May with an average of 11cm of rain. Snowfall is rare in Avondale with an average of 1.2cm per month. The snowiest month is January with an average of 3.8cm of snow.
Overall, Avondale has a moderate climate with mild summers and cold winters.
As of 2020, the city population is 494.
This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Avondale, Missouri.