Weather Forecast and Radar for Big Bend National Park

Current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Big Bend National Park.
All times shown in your local timezone

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Temperature Forecast for Big Bend National Park

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Temperature Forecast for Big Bend National Park

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Weather Radar for Big Bend National Park

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Routes Running Nearby to Big Bend National Park

  • The I-10 runs east-west about 75 miles north of Big Bend National Park.

  • The I-20 runs east-west about 100 miles north of Big Bend National Park.

Weather in Big Bend National Park

Big Bend National Park is a generally dry place with low humidity. The rainy season from June to October includes heavy thunderstorms and some flash flooding.

Summers are hot, although temperatures vary greatly between the desert floor and the Chisos Mountains; May and June are the hottest months.

Winters are generally mild, although periods of cold weather, including light snow, are possible.

A total of 1 historical tornado event that had recorded magnitude of 2 or above found in or near Big Bend National Park, TX.

Fast Facts About Big Bend National Park

The park was established in 1935.

Major Cities Nearby Big Bend National Park

  • Houston, Texas (roughly 278 to the southeast)
  • Austin, Texas (roughly 339 miles to the east)
  • Dallas, Texas (roughly 424 to the northeast)
  • San Antonio, Texas (roughly 464 miles to the east)

This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Big Bend National Park.

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