... including targeted forecasts at the time of your arrival to each point!
January in Elizabethtown, Kentucky is typically quite cold with average temperatures ranging from 36°F to 47°F. During this month, you can expect to experience a mix of snow and rain. February temperatures range from 38°F to 50°F on average. March is slightly warmer with temperatures ranging from 46°F to 58°F. April is a bit milder with temperatures ranging from 53°F to 65°F.
May is the start of summer and temperatures in Elizabethtown, Kentucky average from 62°F to 75°F. June is even warmer with temperatures ranging from 69°F to 81°F. July and August are the hottest months of the year with temperatures averaging between 75°F and 87°F.
September is the start of autumn and temperatures range from 68°F to 79°F. October temperatures average between 55°F and 66°F. November is a bit cooler with temperatures ranging from 46°F to 57°F. December is the coldest month of the year with temperatures ranging from 37°F to 47°F on average.
As of 2020, the city population is 78446.
This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Elizabethtown, Kentucky.