Weather Forecast and Radar for Harrisburg, South Dakota

Current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Harrisburg, South Dakota.
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Temperature Forecast for Harrisburg, South Dakota

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Temperature Forecast for Harrisburg, South Dakota

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Weather in Harrisburg, SD

Harrisburg, South Dakota typically has four distinct seasons, each with its own unique weather patterns. During the winter months, from December to February, the temperature usually ranges from lows around 0°F to highs around 40°F. These months can also bring snowfall and icy conditions, so it's important to dress warmly and prepare for winter weather.

In the spring, from March to May, temperatures increase and the snow melts, bringing warmer conditions. Temperatures during this time range from lows of 20°F to highs of 70°F. This is a great time to get out and enjoy the beauty of South Dakota's nature.

In the summer months, from June to August, temperatures are at their highest and range from lows of 45°F to highs of 85°F. This is a great time to take advantage of outdoor activities, as the weather is perfect for camping, fishing, and hiking.

Finally, in the fall, from September to November, temperatures cool down slightly and usually range from lows of 25°F to highs of 65°F. This is the perfect time to explore the area and witness the stunning foliage.

Overall, Harrisburg, South Dakota, United States has a moderate climate with four distinct seasons, each offering its own unique weather patterns.

Fast Facts About Harrisburg, SD

As of 2020, the city population is 6420.

Major Cities Nearby Harrisburg, SD

This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Harrisburg, South Dakota.