Weather Forecast and Radar for Indiana Dunes National Park

Current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Indiana Dunes National Park.
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Temperature Forecast for Indiana Dunes National Park

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Routes Running Nearby to Indiana Dunes National Park

  • The I-65 runs south from Gary, IN, about 12 miles west of Indiana Dunes National Park.

  • The I-80 runs east-west about 6 miles south of Indiana Dunes National Park.

  • The I-90 runs east-west about 6 miles south of Indiana Dunes National Park.

  • The I-94 runs east-west about 2 miles south of Indiana Dunes National Park.

Weather in Indiana Dunes National Park

Indiana Dunes National Park's weather is greatly affected by Lake Michigan and can change quickly. Summers are warm and humid with high temperatures generally in the mid-80ºF's (30ºC) and low temperatures in the mid-60ºF's (18ºC). There are about 15 days per year above 90ºF (32ºC). Warm periods are occasionally interrupted by frontal action descending from Canada. This generally brings days of pleasant, dry weather. Sunshine is abundant in summer.

Highs in winter are usually in the low to mid 30sºF (0ºC) with low temperatures in the low 20sºF (-5ºC). There are about 15 days per year below 0ºF (-18ºC). Winters tend to be cloudy except for periods of extreme cold when skies are clear.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, the plant hardiness zone at Indiana Dunes National Park at 614 ft (187 m) is 6a with an average annual extreme minimum temperature of -9.4 °F (-23.0 °C).

The primary feature of Indiana Dunes National Park is Lake Michigan. The lake brings with it several weather-related conditions that can create threats to the enjoyment of the area.

Winter months bring the risk of shelf ice. This is a condition where the winter winds push ice from Lake Michigan onto the beaches. As the cold depends, the ice can build up into long ridges creating an arctic dunescape. Much of this ice is floating. It may be dangerous to walk on the ice as there can be air pockets into which you can sink. Rescue is extremely difficult.

During the summer months, rip currents can occur in Lake Michigan. These occur suddenly and can sweep swimmers far out into the lake. Rip currents are most prevalent on days with a strong north wind.

Fast Facts About Indiana Dunes National Park

The park was established in 2019.

Major Cities Nearby Indiana Dunes National Park

  • Indianapolis, Indiana (roughly 162 miles to the southeast)

This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Indiana Dunes National Park.

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