Weather Forecast and Radar for Kyle Field

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Routes Running Nearby to Kyle Field

  • The I-10 runs east-west about 30 miles to the south, heading towards Houston, TX.

  • The I-20 runs north-south about 20 miles to the east through Huntsville, TX, and Madisonville, TX.

  • The I-35 runs north-south about 50 miles to the west through Austin, TX.

  • US-190 runs east-west directly through College Station, TX.

Weather at Kyle Field

The climate of Kyle Field of College Station, Texas, can be quite uncomfortable at times. The region has long and very hot summers, which brings humidity to everyone who steps outside.

The most common climate is arid, hot and super humid, with an average temperature of 90°F through May, June, July, August, and even September. In the final months of the year, it can drop to 48°F, although the occasion when it drops to 37°F is rare. It rarely snows.

Games are normally played in the summer, making Kyle Field a difficult stadium for approaching visiting opponents.

Where is Kyle Field Located?

Kyle Field is located at 756 Houston St, College Station, TX 77843 (at GPS location 30.61009, -96.34009). It is one of the most famous stadiums in Texas, as well as one of the most beloved for its history and shape.

The stadium itself features a location stocked with many places through which fans can be directed before or after games. For example, it is quite close to the All American Club Aggie Park, which is closely linked to the history of football, as one might imagine with a historically popular team like the Aggies.

Which Teams Play at Kyle Field?

Kyle Field is considered one of the most important football stadiums for football in Texas as well as one of the fields where the most games have been played at its gates. The home team is the Texas A&M Aggies, a club that plays in the NCAA.

Extremely important games have been played at the field. The Aggies became NCAA champions in 1939. Many other games are played at Kyle Field to obtain conference and division titles.

On some occasions, Kyle Field has hosted basketball games, mostly of an exhibition nature.

Kyle Field Capacity

Kyle Field is the fourth largest stadium in the United States and has a capacity for 102,733 people.

Since its founding in 1927, Kyle Field has had various slight changes in its capacity.

Kyle Field Infrastructure

Kyle Field, however, has maintained its original current form since its opening in 1927. The field does not have a retractable roof and has lighting adapted for any time of day .

The grass on the field is natural. It is divided into two large blocks of people who face each other on either side. There are no seats or spectators behind the arches.

It has a VIP area, as well as a gym, an anti-doping room and, of course, a room for press conferences where journalists have access to amenities such as WiFi, among others.

How Do I Get to Kyle Field?

Transportation to Kyle Field is certainly easy to come by. There are a few bus routes that go through the avenues of the city and stop at the field very frequently. It is very close to Texas A&M’s Lot 62, as well as Joe Ruth Blvd. These give a lot of access to transportation.

To reach Kyle Field from outside College Station, one must take a local state highway, or US-190.

History of Kyle Field

Many stadiums in the United States were created to provide capacity for college football and Kyle Field has been one of them. It was founded in 1927 and since then it has remained faithful to its idea of ​​always having a field for young university students.

It has always been associated with greatness and its field has always been among the five largest in the country for football practice. This stadium has had various historical stages, such as the one in the 30's when the local team frequently went to the final phases of competition and won some important titles for the city.

Where Can I Stay Near Kyle Field?

Several of the best luxury hotels are located very close to Kyle Field and this stadium is very close to many hotel complexes.

One of them is The George, located just 0.5 miles from the stadium and which has excellent food as well as perfect security. Its beautiful infrastructure allows you to balance quality and price quite well.

The Hawthorn Suites is another of the most requested when you stay near Kyle Field. They offer very good prices and also wonderful attention. It is located just 1 mile from Kyle Field.

Where Can I Eat Near Kyle Field?

Dixie Chicken is one of the most sought after and largest, just a few meters from Kyle Field stadium. This restaurant always has its doors open for all kinds of people and at night.

The Block T Bar & Grill has also become renown. It focuses grill food and is open from morning to afternoon. It is usually a great meeting point for fans before or after each game.

This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Kyle Field.