Weather Forecast and Radar for Lake Mead National Recreation Area

Current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Lake Mead National Recreation Area.
All times shown in your local timezone

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Temperature Forecast for Lake Mead National Recreation Area

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Temperature Forecast for Lake Mead National Recreation Area

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Weather Radar for Lake Mead National Recreation Area

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Routes Running Nearby to Lake Mead National Recreation Area

  • The I-15 runs north-south about 15 miles northwest of Lake Mead National Recreation Area.

Weather in Lake Mead National Recreation Area

Spring (April, May and June): Daytime highs reach 80-98F (27-37C) degrees. Nighttime lows reach 50-66F (10-19C) degrees.

Summer (July, August and September): Daytime highs reach 89-103F (32-40C) degrees. Summer can be a dangerous time due to excessive heat. Some hiking trails are closed for public safety. Keep water on you at all times.

Fall (October, November and December): Daytime highs reach 59-83F (15-23C) degrees. Nighttime lows reach 32-50F (0-10C) degrees.

Winter (January, February and March) Daytime highs reach 57-69F (14-21C) degrees. Nighttime lows reach 30-40F (-1-4C) degrees.

Weather in the desert can be extreme at times. Storms and resulting flash floods are possible year-round. Avoid camping in washes and hiking in canyons during bad weather. If you are in a low-lying area during a storm, do not try to drive through flooded areas. Leave your vehicle and climb to higher ground. Backcountry roads often become impassable after a rain.

Fast Facts About Lake Mead National Recreation Area

The park was established in 1936.

Major Cities Nearby Lake Mead National Recreation Area

  • Las Vegas, Nevada (roughly 19 miles to the northwest)

This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Lake Mead National Recreation Area.

Navigated to Lake Mead National Recreation Area Weather Forecast and Radar