... including targeted forecasts at the time of your arrival to each point!
Makawao, Hawaii, United States has an average temperature of 72°F year-round. In the summer months, temperatures can reach up to 85°F on the hottest days and dip down to a low of 65°F on the coolest days. The winter months have an average temperature of 65°F, with highs reaching up to 78°F and lows dropping to 54°F. On average, there is only a 10 degree difference between the hottest and coldest months.
The area has an average of 13 days with precipitation in the winter and 11 days with precipitation in the summer. The average amount of precipitation is about 2.5 inches in the winter and 2.3 inches in the summer. The area also experiences a moderate amount of humidity throughout the year.
Makawao experiences a wide variety of weather conditions throughout the year, ranging from clear, sunny days to heavy rains. The area enjoys a mild climate and is a great place for all types of outdoor activities, from hiking and camping to swimming and sunbathing.
As of 2020, the city population is 7989.
This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Makawao, Hawaii.