Weather Forecast and Radar for Sanford Stadium

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Routes Running Nearby to Sanford Stadium

  • The I-20 runs east-west about 20 miles to the south between Atlanta, GA and Augusta, GA.

  • The I-85 runs north-south about 20 miles to the north between Atlanta, GA and Charlotte, NC.

Weather at Sanford Stadium

With no retractable roof, spectators can expect temperatures inside Sanford Stadium to closely resemble whatever’s happening outside.

This part of Georgia experiences variable weather throughout the seasons, so fans in attendance should dress accordingly.

During the colder months, temperatures may fall somewhere between 21°F and 40°F, while temperatures will escalate to 97°F during summertime.

Additionally, spectators should be prepared for lots of humidity throughout the year and the oft-present possibility of precipitation.

Where is Sanford Stadium Located?

Sanford Stadium - one of America’s best-known college football stadiums - is located in the heart of Athens, Georgia.

Specifically, Sanford Stadium is located at 100 Sanford Dr, Athens, GA 30602, and has a GPS coordinates of 33.950469, -83.374181.

Of course, being a central university location, Sanford Stadium is surrounded by points of interest such as the Division of Biological Sciences, various restaurants, and plenty of public transportation.

Which Teams Play at Sanford Stadium?

Sanford Stadium is the home of the Georgia Bulldogs, an NCAA club active since its founding in 1929. The Bulldogs were Sanford Stadium’s original home team, and remain so to this day.

In addition to American football, Sanford Stadium has seen its fair share of soccer matches, too. Most notably, the 1996 Atlanta Olympics used this stadium as one of its two match locations.

Sanford Stadium Capacity

Sanford Stadium is the largest and most popular stadium in Georgia. Since its original construction, the structure has undergone virtually countless changes to arrive at its current capacity of 92,746.

One notable renovation occurred in 1960 when it expanded to a capacity of 43,000 people. Then, in 1981 this number increased to 63,000. Later, in 1994, it reached 82,000 people, and finally, 2000 saw another expansion brining the stadium to its current capacity.

It’s no surprise that more changes are expected for Sanford Stadium with an ultimate goal of a 100,000+ capacity.

Sanford Stadium Infrastructure

When it was founded in 1929, the stadium had a cost of $360,000. This was one of the most expensive construction projects of its time. Sanford Stadium is undoubtably an icon, and as such, any improvements and expansions have always been done with maintaining the stadium’s original charm and feel in mind. As such, each renovation and alteration must go through years of planning and approval before being implemented.

Apart from capacity related expansions, seat-size changes, and various other cosmetic and practical improvements, the structure largely remains the same as it was in 1929.

Today, it does not have a retractable roof, and it has a natural grass surface with dimensions of 105 x 68 yards.

How Do I Get to Sanford Stadium?

Sanford Stadium in Athens, Georgia can easily be reached by bus lines 20 and the M.

Transportation is usually comfortable and it doesn't take long to get to the stadium depending on where travel begins in the city. Public transit can take between 24 and 40 minutes, however, car travel may take even less time - especially if traveling from outside of Athens.

The History of Sanford Stadium

This historic stadium has had a marked presence in history of US sports.

Its establishment dates from October 12, 1929. Since the stadium opened its doors, it has been home of the Georgia Bulldogs (a team already popular in the country at that time).

One of Sanford Stadium’s greatest attributes is that the structure is largely original, paying respect to its extensive history. Anytime renovations do occur, construction crews are ensure that the original architecture and tradition are never lost or replaced.

Additionally, major events such as the 1996 Atlanta Olympics have taken place at the stadium.

Where Can I Stay Near Sanford Stadium?

Of course, there are many great lodging options near Sanford Stadium. Two notable hotels are Hyatt Place Athens as well as the Holiday Inn Express. The Hyatt, in addition to a great façade, is a luxury hotel, renown for its hospitality. The Holiday Inn Express stands out for its speed and highly dedicated service to first class food.

Where Can I Eat Near Sanford Stadium?

Sanford Stadium is surrounded by plenty of great places to eat. Among them are the Barberitos Dowtown and the Viva! Argentine Cuisine.

Barberitos offers excellent southern US and Mexican cuisines, and Viva! has been consistently ranked as one of the best Argentinian restaurant in the area.

This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Sanford Stadium.

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