Weather Forecast and Radar for Voyageurs National Park

Current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Voyageurs National Park.
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Routes Running Nearby to Voyageurs National Park

  • US-53 runs south from International Falls, Minnesota, about 10 miles southwest of Voyageurs National Park.

  • The I-35 runs south from Duluth, Minnesota, about 175 miles south of Voyageurs National Park.

Weather in Voyageurs National Park

In Voyageurs National Park, the summers are long, comfortable, and partly cloudy and the winters are frigid, snowy, and mostly cloudy. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from -3°F to 78°F and is rarely below -26°F or above 86°F.

The warm season lasts for 4 months, from May to September, with an average daily high temperature above 65°F. The hottest month of the year in Voyageurs National Park is July, with an average high of 78°F and low of 56°F.

The cold season lasts for 3 months, from November to February, with an average daily high temperature below 28°F. The coldest month of the year in Voyageurs National Park is January, with an average low of -2°F and high of 16°F.

Voyageurs National Park has a warm summer continental climate (Köppen Dfb), which means it has short, mild summers followed by long winters. Spring, and more especially autumn, are short, mild transition seasons.

The air is temperate during June, July, and August when periods of mild weather prevail. Average summer highs are 70 °F to 80 °F, and average summer lows are 50 °F to 60 °F. Average winter highs are 15 °F to 25 °F, and average winter lows are -5 °F to 5 °F. Generally, July is the warmest month, and January is the coldest.

Average annual precipitation in Voyageurs National Park averages 25-28 inches, with the greatest amount of precipitation tending to occur during the summer. The first measurable snowfall occurs in late October, and the last in late April or early May. Average snowfall ranges 55-70 inches, but is highly variable. (Average snowfall appears greater than average precipitation because snow is less dense than water, making a given mass of snow occupy a greater volume than the same mass of liquid precipitation, and precipitation is measured in only liquid form.)

The frost-free season averages 120 days from June to mid-September, and in the winter, the lakes are typically frozen from around mid-November through mid-April. The ice may freeze to two feet thick. However, ice up and ice out vary each year.

Fast Facts About Voyageurs National Park

The park was established in 1975.

Major Cities Nearby Voyageurs National Park

  • Duluth, Minnesota (roughly 175 miles to the south)
  • Minneapolis, Minnesota (roughly 287 miles to the south)

This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Voyageurs National Park.

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