Weather Forecast and Radar for Zion National Park

Current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Zion National Park.
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Routes Running Nearby to Zion National Park

  • The I-15 runs north-south about 20 miles west of Zion National Park.

Weather in Zion National Park

In Zion National Park, the summers are hot and mostly clear, the winters are very cold and partly cloudy, and it is dry year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 28°F to 98°F and is rarely below 17°F or above 104°F.

The hot season lasts for 3.5 months, from June to September, with an average daily high temperature above 88°F. The hottest month of the year in Zion National Park is July, with an average high of 97°F and low of 69°F.

The cold season lasts for 3 months, from November to February, with an average daily high temperature below 58°F. The coldest month of the year in Zion National Park is December, with an average low of 30°F and high of 50°F.

Cooling summer afternoon thunderstorms are common, and can make exploration of some of the side-canyons hazardous, especially during July, August and September when the popular Narrows Trail is usually closed because of the large amounts of water and the danger of flash floods. Even these days usually start warm and clear; the clouds begin to form around midday, the cloudburst happens late afternoon then the storm clears by early evening.

Snow does fall in winter, but the park remains open and only the high backcountry is seriously affected, receiving 13 feet in a typical year. The Kolob Reservoir Road is normally blocked by snow from the reservoir northwards for several months, and the spur road to Lava Point is also closed. Most snow melts in spring although some may persist in isolated places such as the high peaks and floor of narrow canyons until July. The high country trails remain muddy and possibly icy for several months, until around May-June. Snowmelt causes most narrow canyons to be inaccessible in spring due to the volume of water and the cold conditions.

Fast Facts About Zion National Park

The park was established in 1919.

Major Cities Nearby Zion National Park

  • Salt Lake City, Utah (roughly 231 miles to the northeast)

This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, weather alerts, and weather radar for Zion National Park.

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