Weather Forecasts, Road Conditions, and Weather Radar for A2 Barkly Highway

Current & 7-day weather forecast, road conditions, and weather radar for A2 Barkly Highway.
All times shown in your local timezone

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Weather Radar for A2 Barkly Highway

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Road Trip and Weather Conditions for A2 Barkly Highway

The A2 Barkly Highway from Warumungu to Cloncurry is a 602 kilometer stretch of road that is paved in asphalt for the majority of its length. The road is in generally good condition with two lanes in each direction, wide shoulders and frequent passing lanes. There are a few sections of gravel road in some of the more rural areas but these are well maintained. The speed limit is generally 100 km/h with some sections reduced to 80 km/h for safety reasons. The road is generally flat with some rolling hills but no major inclines or declines. There are no tolls, but drivers should be aware of the occasional roadworks along the route.

The A2 Barkly Highway in Australia experiences a wide range of seasonal weather conditions throughout the year. Summers (December-February) are generally hot with temperatures reaching an average of 37°C, and humidity levels around 50%. Winters (June-August) are mild, with temperatures dropping to an average of 17°C and humidity levels averaging around 70%. The spring (September-November) and autumn (March-May) seasons usually have temperatures averaging around 27°C and humidity levels around 65%. Rainfall is generally low throughout the year, with an average of 200mm per year.

Major Junctions of A2 Barkly Highway

  • The A2 continues southeast from Cloncurry, QL, towards Winton, QL.
  • The A6 heads east from Cloncurry, QL, towards Hughenden, QL.
  • The A87 runs north-south through Warumungu, NT, heading south towards Davenport, NT, and north towards Mataranka, NT.

This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, road conditions, and weather radar for A2 Barkly Highway.

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