Weather Forecasts, Road Conditions, and Weather Radar for British Columbia (BC) Highway 3

Current & 7-day weather forecast, road conditions, and weather radar for Highway 3 in British Columbia (BC).
All times shown in your local timezone

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Weather Radar for British Columbia (BC) Highway 3

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Road Trip and Weather Conditions for British Columbia Highway 3

Weather Conditions in Québec for British Columbia Highway 3

Major Junctions of British Columbia Highway 3

In British Columbia:

  • British Columbia Hwy 3 West starts at the border of Alberta at Crowsnest Pass.
  • Hwy 3 has a major junction with Hwy 43 in Sparwood, British Columbia.
  • Hwy 3 has a major junction with Hwy 93 in Cranbrook and Elko, British Columbia.
  • Hwy 3 has a major junction with Hwy 95 in Yahk and Cranbrook, British Columbia.
  • Hwy 3 has a major junction with Hwy 21 in Creston, British Columbia.
  • Hwy 3 has a major junction with Hwy 6 in Salmo, British Columbia.
  • Hwy 3 has a major junction with Hwy 22 in Castlegar, British Columbia.
  • Hwy 3 has a major junction with Hwy 395 near Christina Lake, British Columbia.
  • Hwy 3 has a major junction with Hwy 41 near Grand Forks, British Columbia.
  • Hwy 3 has a major junction with Hwy 97 in Osoyoos, British Columbia.
  • Hwy 3 has a major junction with Hwy 5A in Princeton, British Columbia.
  • Hwy 3 has a major junction with Hwy 5 near Hope, British Columbia.
  • British Columbia Hwy 3 East starts at a junction with Hwy 1 near Hope, British Columbia.

This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, road conditions, and weather radar for Highway 3 in British Columbia (BC).

Navigated to British Columbia (BC) Highway 3 Weather Forecasts, Road Conditions, and Weather Radar