Weather Forecasts, Road Conditions, and Weather Radar for A6 Flinders Highway

Current & 7-day weather forecast, road conditions, and weather radar for A6 Flinders Highway.
All times shown in your local timezone

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Weather Radar for A6 Flinders Highway

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Road Trip and Weather Conditions for A6 Flinders Highway

The A6 Flinder Highway is approximately 528km of mostly two-lane undivided road. The road is generally in good condition, with well-maintained sealed sections, but it can be narrow in some sections. The speed limit varies between 100km/h and 110km/h, with the occasional section having a lower speed limit due to road works or bends in the road. The road is generally flat and straight, with some rolling hills and curves. There are many rest areas along the way offering good views and the opportunity to take a break.

The A6 Flinder Highway has a hot and dry climate throughout the year. The summer months (December-February) are typically the hottest with temperatures reaching up to 40 °C and humidity levels at around 55%. The winter months (June-August) are cooler, with temperatures averaging around 25 °C and humidity levels around 40%. Rainfall is sparse throughout the year, with annual precipitation levels averaging around 400 mm. During the rainy season (November-April), the area can receive up to 200 mm of rain, while the dry season (May-October) can be quite dry and the area can receive as little as 50 mm of rain. The wind speed is generally low throughout the year, with average wind speeds ranging from 5-15 km/h.

Major Junctions of A6 Flinders Highway

This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, road conditions, and weather radar for A6 Flinders Highway.